There is so much more to diversity than race, gender, or skin tone. And there is much more to pocstock, than our curated diversity stock library. Consider us your strategic diversity partner. We work alongside your DEI&B, corporate communications, and creative & production teams to help create authentic content, and meaningful conversations that help your teams feel seen, customers feel heard, and followers feel connected to your brand.

Representation matters

We’re on a mission to change the way the world sees Black, Asian, Hispanic, Indigenous, LGBTQIA+, differently-abled people of color, and the way we see ourselves by making sure everyone everywhere has access to positive, beautiful, and authentic images of people of color.

At the heart of the stock revolution is a diverse team of people who care.

Steve Jones

Founder & CEO

DeSean Brown

Founder, Chief Relationship Officer

Derrick Larane

Chief Operating Officer

Steven Russell

Head of Content

Nathalie Smith

Business Development

Kevin Noel

Sr. Account Executive

Sheila Tendero

Sr. Asset Manager

Glenda De Chavez

Asset Manager

Merjohn Tendero

Asset Manager

Germaine Andal Lara

Asset Manager

Jade Andal

Asset Manager

Sheena Macusi

Asset Manager

Ailyn Robles

Marketing Coordinator

Nicole Richardson

Content & Production Coordinator

Keshida Layone

Business Development

The global solution for the global majority.

We’ve built a network of over 800 contributors in over 50 countries and counting. Can’t find it in stock? We can produce custom photo and video shoots in many locations around the world around your specific needs. We work to ensure the most talented people of color are in front and behind the cameras.

Certified MBE by the NY & NJ MSDC

Interested in partnering?

We're ready to discuss opportunities Contact Us

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