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Black and caucasian women using laptops lying on bed at home

Asset Credit: Westend61 GmbH
Asset ID: PH-0000966287
License Rights
Usage Commercial
License Type Royalty-Free (Unlimited, Worldwide)
Release Info Model Release, Property Release
Demographic Data
Gender / ID
friends friend mate female friend human human being human beings humans person persons couples partnership homosexual couples windows technological technologies the internet e-mailing e-mails electronic mail electronic mails email emailing emails pants trouser denim jeans beds computers laptop computer laptop computers laptops notebook smile relax relaxing relaxation delight enjoyment pleasant pleasure cheerfulness exhilaration gaiety gay glad joyous merry enjoy indulgence indulging savoring happy pleased clear fair light laying down lie lying down at home free time leisure time comfortable cosy sociable lifestyle mobile funny having fun connect connected connections connectivity community domestic room domestic rooms rooms domestic bedroom indoor indoor shot indoor shots interior interior view interiors day shots daylight daylight shot daylight shots daytime casual attire casual clothes casual clothing casual wear leisure wear type homosexually queer same-sex gay woman gay women homosexual women lesbian lesbians business life business world autonome autonomy independent amenities amenity comfort convenient human relationship relation accessible confident wireless communication wireless connection wireless technology together well being well-being apartment apartments flats rest home business working from home w-lan wi-fi wireless internet wireless lan wlan using a laptop using laptops work from home working at home freelance freelancing self-employed life balance work life balance recreational recover female freelance adult grown-up grown-ups grownup grownups female females women mature women 2 2 people 2 persons two two persons mature adult 40 to 50 40 to 50 years 40's 40-50 40s 45 to 50 years 40 to 45 40 to 45 years 40-45 caucasian appearance caucasian ethnicity european african black black ethnicity coloured female african female africans dark-haired twosome twosomes gay couple gay couples homosexual couple same sex couple samesex couple female friends window e-mail jeans bed laptop smiling relaxed joy cheerful enjoying happiness content bright lying home leisure cozy internet lifestyles mobility online fun connection bonding room bedroom indoors day positive technology casual typing homosexual woman business copy space independence convenience relationship accessibility confidence wireless togetherness wellbeing flat resting home office wifi using laptop freelancer self-employment work-life balance mobile working recovering female freelancer mature woman two people 45-50 years 40-45 years caucasian african descent dark hair couple lesbian couple italy friendship people trousers computer homosexual communication recreation adults woman mature adults 40-50 years lgbt same-sex couple photography photo photos color image colour image color colour
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