Capture positive and creative images of Black, Hispanic, Asian and indigenous baby boomers and silver generations, zaddy's and silver foxes. Show them as they thrive and enjoy the prime of their lives, traveling, staying active, dating, starting new careers and spending time with loved ones.
What we're looking for:
Model(s): vibrant 60+ aged seniors
Theme: active lifestyle seniors
Activities: walking, hiking, sports, utilizing tech (phone, tablet, or computer)
Number of subjects: individual or multiple (activity groups, couples, family orientated photos with children or grandchildren)
Location(s): home, outdoors, work, common spaces
Must feature Black, Hispanic, Asian, or Indigenous people of color
Composition: leave room for text
Contest Dates:
Contest Start: August 3rd, 2021 8:00 AM EDT
Submission Deadline: August 31st, 2021 11:00 PM EDT
The Win:
$500 USD cash prize (one winner)
Photo(s) featured on our website (homepage and collections)
Receive special shoutouts via social media and contributor email blast
Bonus: receive commission on all images sold on pocstock
Organize photos for submission
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Submit a series of 3 or more unique photos entitled: Senior Lifestyle